Accepting and letting go of judgment is simultaneously healing as well as allowing growth. There is no rainbow without rain. The same goes for your personal growth.
We grow as a result of the life experiences that we have throughout our lives; step by step, each at your own speed.
To take care of the well-being of your body, mind and soul, means to take responsibilty for your own self.
With my offer, I support you in your holisitc growth and with positive energy. Fullfill your grandeur!
Sittings will take place at Zentrumsweg 7 in 6043 Adligenswil or by telephone or other virtual channels.
I am grateful for feedback. You find my customer’s feedback on Google (Google will open when you click on this link, therefore, the privacy policy of google will be relevant).
Personal coaching
It is time, to shape your life according to your own dreams and to take from the plenty. Take a moment for yourself and assess your personal and/or professional situation. Where do you stand at the moment and where do you want to go?
Plant the seed now for your personal wishes and dreams and watch in amazement, as they grow and thrive.
Private mediumistic sitting
Voices from the other side are benevolent and have powerful meanings. Often souls make contact through me to deliver important messages to their loved ones who are still on this earth.
Messages of wisdom and affection with foresight and clarity allow us to get closure and achieve certainty that the love of the departed will stay with us and help us find answers to difficult questions.
Energetic healing
Through energy work I will support you to bring your own energy source back into balance, strengthen it sustainably and release blockages. Energy work can heal illnesses, ease mental and psychological problems and helps to cure anxieties and disorders such as ADHS.
Meditation is like wellness but for our soul. It brings calmness into our daily lives, slows down hectic times, provides vision through the fog and supports us with development of our spiritual heart.